As more visitors to the site are able to contribute scans for us, the archive will continue to grow for a good long while. Updates to the site will be carried out once a week regularly at the weekend, either Saturday or Sunday. Depending on how many issues we have in the backlog, we hope to publish at least three-to-five new Look-in issues a week. If we have more contributors to the website, that figure may increase but it is all dependent on time. Hopefully, at least for a very long time to come, there should never be a week with no update so check back here every week for the latest additions to the Archive!

NEW THIS WEEK has moved!

All the latest update news can be found in our expanded FORUMS section.
Please CLICK HERE to be taken directly to the Forums and the Look-in Archive

... and while you're in the Look-in Forums, please take a minute and become a member.
We've recently expanded the Forums to include sections on classic UK/US TV shows,
current UK/US TV shows and UK/US Comics. So if you have any interest in Look-in,
TV shows or comics, please join us and make the Forums the place to talk about it!